Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Robot Landing on Mars

If you didn't think robots were cool before this video, you will undoubtedly after it! Hard to imagine we have such things going on in robotics as we speak and even harder to imagine how much more the future holds for the advancement of robotics.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Robots Fighting

This is more for a laugh than anything else, but I figured I would put up a slightly different side to robot competitions.  I remember when this used to be a big deal and you could watch these "battles" on ESPN and the like. It is somewhat inane watching robots destroy each other but it is neat to see the ingenuity of some of the contestants and how serious the guy looks when he loses his little warrior. The more I look for videos with robots dancing or fighting like this one, it makes me wonder more and more just how much could we accomplish with robotics?