Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where are the Robots?

At Fukushima, that is.  If you haven't watched this unbelievable video, it will drive home the sheer devastation of the events in Japan of March 11:

New Shocking Video Of The Japanese Tsunami by timbarracuda

In case you haven't heard, 50 lower and mid-level managers who have come to be known as the "Fukushima 50" have essentially offered their lives to shut down the Japanese nuclear facility damaged irreparably by last month's 8.9 earthquake and tsunami.  At last count, at least 5 of these brave martyrs have already died and another 15 have been hospitalized with radiation poisoning.

The blog American Thinker asks the question that's been on my mind lately:  Why are we asking 50 workers to sacrifice their lives when robots could do much of this work?  Where are the robots?

I mean, I love robots and all, but let's face it:  They're expendable.  Human beings are not.

Germany has offered their robots as assistance. 

So, if Japan and Korea are essentially the world's cradle of robotics, why aren't they using them to "cool down" the Fukushima plant?  Already today, robots are used in space exploration, fire fighting, advanced medicine and many, many other fields to supplement their human counterparts.

Let's get them programmed and working the front lines of this battle!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, as funny as it may sound, It's a known fact that Robots will eventually exist, function and do most of what you described in this article. It's only a matter of time and funding.
